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Levi's is a brand that needs no introduction. Founded in San Francisco in 1853, the company has been providing quality clothing and denim products for over 150 years. Today, Levi's is a global brand with a strong presence in Australia, offering a wide range of products for men and women alike.

Levi's is also a brand that values heritage and tradition. Their products are designed to be both functional and stylish, with a range of sizes and styles available to suit every need. Whether you're looking for a classic pair of men's jeans or womens jeans or a modern take on a classic design, Levi's has got you covered.

At Universal Store, we are proud to offer a variety of Levi's products, including their iconic Levis 501 jeans. These jeans have been a staple of the Levi's brand since their introduction in 1890, and continue to be one of their most popular products to this day.